Thursday 13. February 2025

1614 - 2014

400th anniversary of the Convent and the Hospital of the Brothers of St. John of God in Vienna

In 2014 we celebrate the 400th anniversary of our Convent and Hospital in Vienna, Austria.


Below you will find a summary of our history and you will also find an overview of the different Events we have planned.


Our Events in 2014

Pastoral Congress, 10th February

"Added Value of Hospitality. Pastoral Care between Health and Healing.”

Date: Monday, 10th February 2014, 8.45 am until 6 pm

Location: Hospital of the St. John of God Brothers, Johannes von Gott Platz 1, 1020 Vienna


  • Dr. theol. et lic. phil Urs Winter-Pfändler, SPI- Swiss Pastoral Institute of Sociology (St. Gallen, Switzerland)
  • Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. theol. Matthias Beck, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)

Anniversary Exhibition at the District Museum, 5thof March

400 years Hospital of the St. John of God Brothers in Vienna

Exhibition: Wednesday, 5thof March 2014 until 22nd of October 2014

Opening hours:

  • Wednesday 4 pm until 6.30 pm
  • Sundays 10 am until 1 pm

Location: District Museum Leopoldstadt, Karmelitergasse 9, 1020 Vienna

Blessing of the new St. John of God Statue, 8thof March

Unveiling and blessing of the new statue of St. John of God on the forecourt of the hospital

Date: Saturday, 8th of March 2014, 4.30 pm

Location: Johannes von Gott Platz, 1020 Vienna 

Inhouse-exhibition about the Brothers in Vienna, 8th of March

Opening inhouse-exhibition near the outpatient department 

Date: Saturday, 8th of March 2014, 5.30 pm

Location: Johannes von Gott Platz 1, 1020 Vienna 

Religious Service on the occasion of the feast day of St. John of God, 8th of March 

Date: Saturday, 8th of March 2014, 6.30 pm

Location: in our monastery church, Taborstraße 16, 1020 Vienna 

International Congress (Nursing), 12th of May

"Challenges of care and nursing in the 21st century"

Date: Monday, 12th of May 2014, 9 am until 4 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna


We will start the day with Holy Mass at 8 am in our monastery church, Taborstraße 16, 1020 Vienna.


Simultaneous translation included.


Download: Here you will find the Programm of the Congress (pdf).

International Congress (Medicine), 12th of May 

Medical Congresses „Interdisciplinary pain medicine including osteoporosis“ plus BEST-Meeting (Barmherzige Brüder Eye Surgery Today-Meeting) plus Special Lecture

Congress Pain Medicine

Date: Monday, 12th of May 2014, 5 pm until 7.30 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna

(Event language and translation for medical congresses will be discussed soon)


Download Programm Pain Medicine: Here you will find the Programm of the Congress (pdf).


Congress Special Lecture

Date: Monday, 12th of May 2014, 8 pm until 8.30 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna

(Event language and translation for medical congresses will be discussed soon)


Download Programm Special Lecture: Here you will find the Program of the Special Lecture (pdf).

Congress BEST Meeting

Date: Monday, 12th of May 2014, 7 pm until 9 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna

(Event language and translation for medical congresses will be discussed soon)


Download Programm BEST Meeting: Here you will find the Programm of the BEST Meeting (pdf).

International Congress (Management), 13th of May

Management-Medicine-Congress „Hospital of the future“

Date: Tuesday, 13th of May 2014, 9 am until 1 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna


We will start the day with Holy Mass at 8 am in our monastery church, Taborstraße 16, 1020 Vienna.

Speakers among others:

  • Dr. Finn Klamer, Health ICT development
    advisor - Specialist in Family Medicine
    (Sundby M., Denmark). 
    Topic: "Hospital of the Future" -
    The development of the Danish Health System - mainly focused on organization and the electronic support - The patient as an active partner
  • Vanessa Werner, Member of Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST (Dortmund, Germany). Topic: Hospital Engineering
  • Univ.-Prof. MMag. Dr. Gottfried Haber, Department for Health Sciences and Biomedicine, Danube University Krems. Topic: Hospital of the Future - management developments   
  • Dr. Sigrid Pilz, The Vienna Nursing and Patient Advocacy (Vienna, Austria). Topic: “The patient in the hospital of the future: needs, expectations and challenges”; being considered is a moderated question and answer session with Dr. Wolfgang Schaaf, Delegate in the Bavarian Medical Association

Simultaneous translation included.


Download: Here you will find the Programm of the Congress (pdf).

International Congress (Medicine), 13th of May 

Medical congresses Neurology plus interdisciplinary Oncology 

Neurology Congress

Date: Tuesday, 13th of May 2014, 2 pm until 5 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna

(Event language and translation for medical congresses will be discussed soon) 


Download Neurology Congress: Here you will find the Programm of the Congress (pdf)


Congress Interdisciplinary Oncology

Date: Tuesday, 13th of May 2014, 5 pm until 7.30 pm

Location: Raiffeisen-Forum, Friedrich-Wilhelm-Raiffeisen Platz 1, 1020 Vienna

(Event language and translation for medical congresses will be discussed soon) 


Download Programm Congress Interdisciplinary Oncology: Here you will find the Programm of the Congress (pdf).

Solemn Mass on the occasion of our 400-year anniversary, 2nd of June 

Date: Monday, 2nd of June 2014, noon

Location: St. Stephans Cathedral in Vienna, Stephansplatz 1, 1010 Vienna

Celebrant: Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn


There will be lunch afterwards at the Archbishop's Palace, Wollzeile 2, 1010 Vienna 

Official Ceremonial Act, 2nd of June 

400 years Viennese hospital of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God 

Date: Monday, 2nd June 2014, 5 pm

Location: Ballroom of the ViennaTown Hall, Town Hall, 1010 Vienna

Program with musical accompaniment:

  • Short welcome speech from politicians
  • Presentation of the Festschrift
  • Presentation of a jubilee stamp
  • Key note speech

Please note: This event is only for invited guests. 

Open House at the Hospital, 7th of September

Everyone in Vienna is invited 

Date: Sunday, 7th of September 2014, 10 am until 4 pm

Location: Viennese Hospital of the Brothers of St. John of God, Johannes von Gott Platz 1, 1020 Vienna 

Anniversary Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Mariazell, Start 18th of September

Date: Thursday, 18th of September 2014, until Sunday, 21st of September 2014

Holly Mass on Sunday, 21st of September 2014, at 11.15 am in the Basilica (Benedictus-Platz 1, 8630 Mariazell) 


The Pilgrimage is for employees of the Viennese Hospital of St. John of God. In Mariazell we will meet employees of other facilities of the "Hospitaller Order of St. John of God". 

Planning and contact details


Brother Saji Mullankuzhy OH, Prior of the Convent and representative of the Viennese Hospital of the Brothers of St. John of God, is responsible for the anniversary year. If you have any questions, you can also contact Dr. Reinhard Pichler, General Manager of the hospital, or the Communication Team.
